We hope you enjoy looking through our gallery with over 100 photos uploaded here to help give you some ideas of what is possible for your wedding at The Secret Garden in Orlando. We have had weddings with as little as just the bride and groom with our Marry Me Now package on up to 60 guests for a larger guest list with a light reception. All of the photos here are provided by Marti of Abba Photography.

One question we get asked is can we do some decorating? The answer is yes depending on what you want to do. In general, the garden is beautiful as is but we welcome fresh flowers if you want to supply them and of course a wedding would not be complete without a flower petal toss or bubble blowing as the couple recess. We only require that the flowers be real so they just go back into nature without any clean up needed.

We look forward to adding some memories from your special day on our gallery soon. Let the celebration begin.

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